Board of Education

Feliciano Aguilar
Board terms expires -
Dec 2026
(Trustee Area 2)

Alma Hernandez
Board terms expires -
Dec 2028
(Trustee Area 3)

Dave Baskett
Board term expires -
Dec 2026
(Trustee Area 5)

Magdalena Serrano
Board term expires -
Dec 2026
(Trustee Area 4)
Dr. Tammie Castillo Shiffer
Board term expires -
Dec 2028
(Trustee Area 1)
Board of Education Meeting Overview
Board Agenda
The agenda for regularly scheduled board meetings is available online 72 hours prior to each meeting. Minutes are posted after they have been approved by the Board, which is done at the following board meeting.
Board Meetings
The community is invited to attend School Board meetings and provide input to the Board’s discussion. Meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month, subject to adjustments due to holidays or special circumstances (see meeting schedule). Meeting location or mode is posted on each agenda.
Special meetings are held from time to time for official action on specific topics. No business shall be transacted except that for which the meeting is called.
Advance Written Request
Any individual or group desiring to place an item on the Board meeting agenda should file a written request with the Superintendent. The written request should include:
- Name, address, and telephone number of person(s) submitting the request and name or organization/business represented (if applicable).
- General description of the subject to be addressed and a brief statement of action to be requested of the Board.
- Information regarding the presentation to the Board of Education at the Board meeting, including the name, address and telephone number of any person(s) wishing to speak.
Public Comments on Closed Session Items
At this time any member of the public may address the Board concerning the Closed Session items. By board policy, testimony is limited to two minutes for each person. The Board President will, if appropriate, direct administration to respond in writing.
Open Session Public Comments
The public may address the Board on any matter concerning the District and not on the agenda. Note: The time limit to address the Board may not exceed two minutes unless the Board President determines that additional time will be allowed. Please note, the Board appreciates all public participation but it cannot engage in discussion or specifically respond during the public comment period (Board Bylaw 9323; citing Education Code § 35145.5; Government Code § 54954.3). Please refer to the meeting agenda under, "Board Pages - Meeting Agendas & Minutes," to review your options in how to submit Public Comment. Comments or written requests should be addressed to the board as a whole, and not to individual members or District employees.
Items not on the Agenda
The law generally prohibits the Board from discussing items not on the agenda. Under limited circumstances, the Board may discuss and act on items not on the agenda if they involve an emergency affecting the safety of persons or property, or a work stoppage, or if the need to act came to the attention of the District too late to include on the posted agenda.